Saturday 25 July 2015

8 hidden signs you are drained!

Always tired and wonder why? 8 hidden signs that say you are knackered.
1: A cut that won't go
People keep asking you how you injured yourself and have trouble remembering (were you chopping onions, or did you accidentally cut your skin while filing your nails?). From major wounds to small blisters, studies have shown that stress shrinks the body's ability to heal itself. Stress causes a release of chemicals (such as cortisol and glucocorticoids) that get in the way of the healing process at a number of steps and can leave the wound prone to infection.

2: Burp and tell

These little burps -that seem so innocuous -occur so often that you've almost stopped noticing them. There is a possibility that you are only just swallowing small amounts of air and immediately burping them back up.

 Put your hand on the upper part of your stomach, just under your chest: Is it stretched tight like a drum? This is something people tend to do when they're facing bouts of anxiety. It may be due to shallow breathing, an obsessive reliance on gum, or excessive nervous chattering. The only way to make it go away is not by cutting down your meals, but by addressing the real issue you are stressed about.

3: Short nap with weird dreams

Even a quick 20-minute nap is enough to have crazy, dramatic dreams. The problem here isn't with the snooze; it's with what happens during that time.Research shows it takes about 90 minutes to enter REM sleep and start dreaming.

 The maximum length of your short nap should be 20 to 30 minutes, because once you've hit REM, the nap becomes counterproductive (you'll wake up cranky instead of feeling refreshed). So if you start dreaming as soon as you shut your eyes, it means your brain is so sleep-deprived that it's rushing to get into the REM phase.

4: Dementia at 30?

All of 30 and still have a squirrely memory? And when you're exhausted, you find the mind isn't supporting memories the way it should. This is happening because you are focusing so much on the mental challenges at hand that everything else seems irrelevant. Excess cortisol can cause us to lose the ability to form and store new memories not related to the present situation and can make it difficult to retrieve the memories we have. 5 TIRED EXERCISING, If you are already exhausted when you begin exercising, your body reacts differently than when you aren't moving a muscle. Even a relaxed workout can cause cortisol levels to go up for those who are already so stressed that their face has broken out into pimples. At the same time, if you are hyper-sensitive, your glucose levels drop. This means you feel even more pooped, post a workout. Take a break and practise yoga; the ultimate mind body workout.

6: When caffeine doesn't help

The caffeine reaction among different people is different. Some are more sensitive to caffeine than others. Yet, nobody is totally immune to the stimulant's effects.The EEG machines that show increased brain activity post-coffee aren't exactly off the mark.Though some people vouch that caffeine doesn't affect them. This is because these people are so exhausted that their levels of calm inducing neurotransmitters are high. These neurotransmitters help override caffeine's effects.

7: Intense acid reflux

Although stress hasn't been shown to cause acid reflux, it can make it feel more intense. A research suggested that when patients diagnosed with acid regurgitation had to perform an anxiety-inducing task, their perception of pain was much higher than fellow acid reflux sufferers who hadn't been stressed.

Tests showed no increase in the amount of esophageal acid but did reveal increased levels of cortisol.

8: Itchy scalp

Find your scalp itchy despite going for a hair wash? Don't reach out for a new shampoo or seek an appointment with the dermat yet. You may want to check for all the backlog at work, which is causing all the stress.When you are stressed, you release neuropeptides and other natural chemicals in the skin, and that causes inflammation.

 In some people, that inflammation means a bad break out. In few, the neuropeptides, which are part of our innate immune response, can cause blood vessels to constrict, making skin all over the face and head overly sensitive.You've also probably been tensing your facial muscles for weeks, so they're tired and sore. The sensations should subside when you start to feel more relaxed.

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