Saturday 25 July 2015

What’s your gene personality?

Scientists have recently discovered the 'singleton gene' that could be responsible for your single relationship status. Here's a look at other genes that define you...

Ever wondered why your romantic relationships don't stand the test of time and you enjoy your own company more than being with a partner? Well, if a new research is to be believed, your abysmal flirting skills aren't to be blamed for your singleton status! It might actually be something to do with your genetic makeup.

 According to a study at the Peking University in Beijing, China, some people are born with the 'singleton' gene, which makes them bad at relationships! "Our behaviour and interest in socialising is determined by our genes. Human temperamental factors like novelty seeking and reward dependence, which motivate people to form relationships and maintain them, are proven to have a genetic base," confirms psychiatrist Dr Yusuf A Matcheswalla. 

So those with the 'G' version of the 5-HTA1 gene are much more likely to be single than those with the 'C' version. The former makes less serotonin, a brain chemical involved in mood and happiness. This gene variation makes people less comfortable in close relationships. In fact, it could also make it harder for them to form relationships in the first place. "Genes contribute to a huge extent when it comes to our personality type. Your personality influences the way you add value to your relationships," adds Dr Amrapali Patil.
Find out which of these genes affect your relationships.

Thrill-seeking gene Find it difficult to stay faithful in your relationship, even when you genuinely love your spouse? The desire to cheat could be embedded in your genes. Researchers at Binghamton University, discovered that almost half of all people have the 'thrill-seeking' gene that makes them more vulnerable to promiscuity! Those with a certain variant of the DRD4 gene are more likely to have a history of uncommitted sex, one-night stands and indulge in infidelity. It can influence the brain's chemistry and subsequently, an individual's behaviour, and is also responsible for alcohol and gambling addictions.

Happy hormone gene The secret to a blissful marriage doesn't lie only in compromising or understanding your spouse's feelings. Even your DNA might have something to do with it. Scientists from Northwestern University and the University of California Berkeley have found that the length of a person's 'happy hormone' — gene variant 5-HTTLPR — could predict marital success. For instance, couples with one or two long variants were less bothered by the emotional upheavals in their marriage as compared to those who had a short 5-HTTLPR. Hence the gene is called the 'happy hormone' because it regulates serotonin, a chemical that increases happiness and stabilises mood.

Divorce gene Heading for an inevitable divorce? Blame it on your genes. Swedish researchers have found that people with the 'divorce gene' were 50% more likely to report 'marital crisis or threat of divorce.' Women who had a variation of the oxytocin receptor gene known as A-allele were less likely to tie the knot because they had difficulty bonding with other people. Also called the 'cuddle chemical', oxytocin promotes feelings of love, bonding and maternal affection in women. If your body can't process the hormone properly, it could affect your ability to bond with others.

Shyness gene Do you get anxious when you are around people, fiddling with your clothes or staring at your shoes when someone makes small talk? Variations in the shyness gene (RGS2) could be the reason why some kids are shy and some grown-ups are introverts. Scientists found that the activity of important neurotransmitter receptors were affected among both people who possess the particular genetic difference. Those with variations in their RGS2 gene were more likely to have brain scans showing increased activity in the amygdala and insula, two brain areas linked to fear and anxiety.

Social gene If you're a social butterfly, the life of every party, or simply someone with great social skills, it's all thanks to the brain chemical oxytocin. Two variants of the oxytocin receptor gene — termed G and A — have been linked to social behaviour. Studies by the University of Toronto suggest that people with two copies of G, compared to one of each or two of A, report higher levels of empathy, have positive emotions and are more social. The gene acts as a docking station (or receptor) for the oxytocin.

Warrior gene If you are an aggressive risk-taker, it could be because you are blessed with the so-called 'warrior' gene. The MAOA-L gene variant makes people more willing to take risks. It's not the best gene to have for harmonious relationships, though. Studies have shown that the MAOA-L variant could also be responsible for impulsive and aggressive behaviour. Research by the California Institute of Technology found carriers of the warrior gene were also more prone to taking financial risks, but only if doing so was beneficial to them.

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